Mailstop Forms
Use this form to request a receipt for your department’s FY 2025 mailstop fees.
Use this form to request departmental mailing supplies
Including- Intra-Campus supplies, USPS supplies, UPS supplies, and FedEx supplies
Use this form to request courier service through Campus Mail Services. We will do our best to collect your items at the time requested, but courier requests are worked around regular mail routes and mail operations.
For UA departments to 1) add or cancel Campus Mail mailstop 2) change the Dean, Director, or Department head responsible for the mailstop 3) authorize or unauthorize employees that can make change to the mailstop or add an administrative contact that will receive email communications regarding the mailstop 4) add or delete FOAPs used for mail charges or 5) request changes to mailstop location or service.
Charge Slips for Outgoing Letter Mail
These forms must be accessed from Microsoft Edge to produce your required BANNER barcode. This form may not be used to send packages. Those must be initiated in the outgoing shipping software, PitneyShip.
Forms for Outgoing Shipping Software
Form to request a PitneyShip Pro software user account. This form, along with PitneyShip Pro training is required to gain access to PitneyShip Pro.
Use this form to create a batch shipment request for packages that need to be sent out via PitneyShip Pro. A batch shipment is for sending 20 or more packages that are all the same size and weight but going to different recipients.
Use this form to request a quote and initiate a departmental freight shipment