Passport Checklist

There are a few different requirements for each age group when applying for a passport. Make sure to check the list so you have everything you need when coming to get a passport.

18 & Older

  • Completed DS-11 Form Complete the DS-11, print the completed form and bring it with you. (Do not sign it beforehand; it must be signed in front of an agent.)
  • Proof of Citizenship (e.g., original birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or an expired passport if applicable)
  • Photo Identification (e.g., valid driver’s license, state ID, or military ID). If your driver’s license is from out of state, a secondary ID will be required. Visit this link for more information.
  • Two forms of Payment
    • Payment #1 – Passport Application Fee: A check or money order made payable to “U.S. Department of State” (No cash, debit, or credit cards are accepted for this fee.) This will travel with your application. The amount will be determined by the type of passport services you have selected, and the amount of the payment MUST be correct. DO NOT include execution fees or photos fees on this payment. It’s recommended that each application has a separate payment.
    • Payment #2 – Execution and/or Photo Fee: Payable to UA Campus Mail Service by debit, credit, money order or check. The execution fee is $35 for each DS-11 application. Photo fees are $17.60, including tax. Payments for multiple family members may be combined.
  • Passport Photo: A current photo (within 6 months) that meets requirements must be included with your application. If you don’t have one, we can take it at your appointment ($17.60, including tax).

16-17 Years

  • Completed DS-11 Form Complete the DS-11, print the completed form and bring it with you. (Do not sign it beforehand; it must be signed in front of an agent)
  • Proof of Citizenship (e.g., original birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or an expired passport if applicable)
  • Photo Identification (e.g., valid driver’s license, state ID, or military ID). Valid Driver’s license or State Issued photo ID of minor/and or parent. If your driver’s license is from out of state, a secondary ID will be required. Visit this link for more information.
  • Two forms of Payment
    • Payment #1 – Passport Application Fee: A check or money order made payable to “U.S. Department of State” (No cash, debit, or credit cards are accepted for this fee.) This will travel with your application. The amount will be determined by the type of passport services you have selected, and the amount of the payment MUST be correct. DO NOT include execution fees or photos fees on this payment. It’s recommended that each application has a separate payment.
    • Payment #2 – Execution and/or Photo Fee: Payable to UA Campus Mail Service by debit, credit, money order or check. The execution fee is $35 for all DS-11 applications. Photo fees are $17.60, including tax. Payments for multiple family members may be combined.
  • Passport Photo: A current photo (within 6 months) that meets requirements must be included with your application. If you don’t have one, we can take it at your appointment ($17.60, including tax).
  • Parental Awareness: At least one parent should accompany the child or otherwise provide proof of parental awareness.

Under 16 Years

  • Completed DS-11 Form Complete the DS-11, print the completed form and bring it with you. (Do not sign it beforehand; it must be signed in front of an agent)
  • Proof of Citizenship (e.g., original birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or an expired passport if applicable)
  • Photo Identification (e.g., valid driver’s license, state ID, or military ID). Valid Driver’s license or State Issued photo ID of minor/and or parent. If your driver’s license is from out of state, a secondary ID will be required. Visit this link for more information.
  • Two forms of Payment
    • Payment #1 – Passport Application Fee: A check or money order made payable to “U.S. Department of State” (No cash, debit, or credit cards are accepted for this fee.) This will travel with your application. The amount will be determined by the type of passport services you have selected, and the amount of the payment MUST be correct. DO NOT include execution fees or photos fees on this payment. It’s recommended that each application has a separate payment.
    • Payment #2 – Execution and/or Photo Fee: Payable to UA Campus Mail Service by debit, credit, money order or check. The execution fee is $35 for all DS-11 applications. Photo fees are $17.60, including tax. Payments for multiple family members may be combined.
  • Passport Photo: A current photo (within 6 months) that meets requirements must be included with your application. If you don’t have one, we can take it at your appointment ($17.60, including tax).
  • Evidence of Relationship to Child:
    • Both parents or guardians must be present with the child. If one parent cannot attend, please bring a notarized consent form (DS-3053). Black ink only!
    • You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:
      • U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
      • Foreign birth certificate
      • Adoption decree
      • Divorce or custody decree
      • A court order
    • Some documents, like a U.S. birth certificate, show both U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified copies (not photocopies).
    • You and your child may have different last names, as long as the document showing your relationship to your child lists your full name.
    • If your name is different than the one on the document showing your relationship to your child, submit proof of your legal name change.