Addressing Mail/Packages
How do my mail/packages need to be addressed?
Use the same address regardless of carrier USPS, UPS, Fed Ex, Amazon, etc). Use this address structure exactly:
What is my MSC # and how do I find it?
Every student actively enrolled and taking classes at UA is automatically assigned a unique 6-digit mailstop code (MSC#). This mailstop code (MSC#) is permanently assigned and allows every student the opportunity to receive any trackable item at the mail center.
Your MSC# must be included on all mail and packages you receive on campus. Failure to include the correct MSC# can cause your mail or packages to be delayed or even returned to the sender.
Students can find their Mail Stop Code and District number by logging into MyBama, clicking on the “Student” tab, and searching "MSC" or locating the “Campus Services” Banner. There will be a hyperlink labeled “MSC (Mail Stop Code) Number.” Click on this link to receive your unique Mail Stop Code Number.
We suggest taking a screenshot or writing this number down in a safe place, as you will need this number every time you send mail to campus.
Parcel Lockers
How do I use the parcel lockers?
You will receive an email and text telling you that you have a package available for collection. The message will indicate which set of lockers has your package. Please note that some lockers districts have more than one set of lockers. The specific locker set is indicated by the color in parentheses listed next to the location. Example: Student Center (Crimson). Your message will also include a code/barcode. Either enter the code or scan the barcode at the correct locker and sign for your item. The locker containing your package will open. Remove your package and close the door completely. If the locker door will not open or there is no package inside the locker, please email us at or come to the Campus Mail Service Center (Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm) for assistance. Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance for this over the phone. Packages must be collected by the student to which is addressed.
What do I do if the locker won't open or there is no package in the locker when it opens?
If the locker door will not open or there is no package inside the locker, please email us at or come to the Campus Mail Service Center (Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm) for assistance. Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance for this over the phone.
What types of items will NOT be places in the parcel lockers?
Certain items, such as medication, items requiring refrigeration, letter mail, ballots, and large or heavy items, will not be placed in the parcel lockers. These items must be collected from the Campus Mail Service Center in the UA Student Center (Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm). How long do I have to pick up my package from a parcel locker? Packages placed in parcel lockers must be picked up within five days. After this, packages will be brought to the Campus Mail Service Center and will be available for 10 more days before they are returned to the sender. *Packages received from June 1 – through September 15 will not be returned to sender until October 1.
Where are the parcel lockers located?
Why was my package put into a different parcel locker than I usually use?
Campus Mail uses the district number that is listed in your Campus Mail Student Service Portal. Your package may be delivered to another parcel locker if the primary parcel locker was full.
Which lockers will my items be placed in?
Packages are placed in the parcel locker that matches the district number in your Campus Mail Student Service Portal. Generally, this it's placed in the set of lockers closest to your residence hall or, if you live off campus, the lockers in the Student Center. District numbers indicate the primary set of parcel lockers to which your packages will be delivered. Some parcel lockers are restricted to the students in certain residence halls. Others are available for use by all UA students.
Receiving Packages
My package shows delivered by UPS, FedEx, USPS. When will it be ready for collection?
Generally, packages will be available for collection from the parcel lockers or behind the counter at the Campus Mail Service Center the day after it is received by Campus Mail. At peak times, such as at the beginning of each semester, volumes increase significantly, and packages may not be available for several days after they are received. If you need immediate access to a package, we recommend shipping via UPS or FedEx to a local location for collection.
I have not received letter mail I was expecting. What can I do to find it?
If you are expecting a letter and have not received it, please first check with the Campus Mail Service Center. The CMSC is located in the Student Center across from the Supe Store Little Building is open Monday–Friday 8:00 am–5:00 pm. If your letter is not found on campus, you may request a search through the United States Post Office by going to this link and following the instructions.
I didn't pick up my package in time. What do I do?
Packages placed in parcel lockers must be picked up within five days. If you did not collect your package in this timeframe, it will be returned to the Campus Mail Service Center. Your package will not be available while being transported or processed. You will receive an email when your package will be available for collection. Your package will be available for 10 more days before being returned to the sender.
Lost Code/Wrong Package
What do I do if I get a package that does not belong to me?
If you receive a package, either from the parcel lockers of from a Campus Mail collection point that is not address to or intended for you, you are required to report this to Campus Mail and return the package immediately. Email us at Please do not attempt to deliver the package to the correct recipient. Email us at
What do I do if I didn't get a code/barcode, or I've lost my code/barcode?
If your email/text notification did not include a code/barcode or if you have lost your code/barcode, please email us at or come to the Campus Mail Service Center for assistance (Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm). Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance for this over the phone.
I need to receive medication, what do I do?
According to federal law, prescription medications may only be mailed by Drug Enforcement Administration’s registered distributors, pharmacies, and medical providers. Such mailed packages are labeled as medication and treated with the highest priority when received by Campus Mail Services. If your student needs prescription medication, have their doctor or pharmacy mail their prescription to their campus address. Also, the UA Student Health Center and Pharmacy on campus can conveniently fill prescriptions from students’ doctors, or prescriptions can be transferred to one of the many local pharmacies in Tuscaloosa.
If you are sending critical medications that need refrigeration and/or immediate collection, please email the tracking number to as soon as you get it. We will create a system alert to expedite processing.
Prohibited Items
What items are prohibited for me to receive?
You may not send hazardous, illegal, infectious, dangerous materials, or any items prohibited by USPS regulations or University of Alabama rules.
Prohibited items include:
- Alcoholic Beverages – regardless of the age of the recipient
- Illegal substances, including marijuana
- Tobacco and tobacco paraphernalia
- Vapes and vaping paraphernalia
- Lighters, Matches, Kerosene and Butane
- Weapons and Ammunition
- Medications, including over-the-counter items, that are not mailed by a DEA registered distributor (for instance -you can’t have mom send you sinus medication)
Services are for personal items only and may not be used for commercial purposes.
Campus Mail does not accept local deliveries such as flower or grocery deliveries. Campus Mail only accepts items that come from the US Post Office and common carriers (UPS, FedEx, etc) and does not accept items without unique tracking numbers.
Terms and Conditions
What are the terms and conditions?
By utilizing the services of the Campus Mail Service Center, students appoint and authorize the University of Alabama Campus Mail Service to act as their agent for the receipt of their inbound mail/packages and agree to the following terms and conditions: Student Mail and Package Service Policy