Category: Miscellaneous

Passport Photo Fee Increase

The passport photo fee will increase to $16.00 (plus tax) on Oct. 1, 2023. For passport service information please visit the Passport Services Page.

Departmental Mail Service Interruption on Move-In Days

Departmental mail routes will not be run on Aug 9-11 and on Aug 18, due to the demands of student move-in. Departments may pick up or drop off mail and packages at our departmental mail facility, located at 325 Kirkbride Lane, in the Printing and Mailing Services Building, between 8am and 12pm, Mon through Fri.…

Passport Service Interruption: Aug 7-25, 2023

The UA Passport Acceptance Facility, located at 325 Kirkbride Lane at the Printing and Mailing Services Building, will be closed from August 7 through Aug 25 due to the demands of student move-in. Normal operations will resume Aug 28. For questions, please reach us at or 205-348-2054.

Reminder – Package fees for Off-Campus Students

Package Fees for Off-Campus Students Students that live off-campus will be assessed $2.50 for each package they pick up that was shipped to campus through Campus Mail Service. This includes packages picked up from both the parcel lockers and the Campus Mail Service Center. The per-package fee will be capped at $25 per billing period…

Parcel Locker Access at the Student Center Restricted Starting April 24

Beginning April 24, the 24-hour access door for the parcel lockers at the Student Center will be unavailable due to construction. Locker package pickup will only be available during Student Center hours through the doors near the Campus Mail Service Center and Starbucks. Students who have packages in these lockers will be given the ability…

Fingerprinting Services Suspended after March 8

The University of Alabama will stop offering fingerprinting services through Gemalto (Thales) on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, as they no longer hold the contract with the State of Alabama. Please check back for updates on when fingerprinting services will again be offered at this location.    

Campus Mail Closed for Spring Break March 13-17

Campus Mail Services will be closed from Monday, March 13 through Friday, March 17 in accordance with the University of Alabama’s 2023 Spring Break schedule. The following services will not be available during this period: Departmental Mail Service Student Mail Service Greek House Mail Service Fingerprinting Services Passport Services Regular operations will resume, Monday, March…

S.M.A.R.T – New Departmental Shipping Program

Campus Mail Service is proud to bring you a new tool for sending out departmental packages. Effective April 1, 2023, the existing Enterprise Shipping Solution (ESS) system will be replaced by S.M.A.R.T. Currently, departments are either using ESS or attaching UA Charge Slips when shipping outgoing packages. All departments that send packages will need to…

Package Fees for Off-Campus Students

Package Fees: Off-Campus Students Beginning June 1, students that live off-campus will be assessed $2.50 for each package they pick up that was shipped to campus through Campus Mail Service. This includes packages picked up from both the parcel lockers and the Campus Mail Service Center. The per-package fee will be capped at $25 per…